Greek Festival

May 20, 2010

So for this stretch mark I went to a Greek Festival with my family last Saturday. My aunt volunteers there and she invited us. I went with my mom, brother, sister, and aunt.  My mom’s dad side of the family is Greek. The festival was in Oakland. My auntie that went with us, she’s full Greek and can speak it really good. We arrived there and the first thing my mom said was “I feel real Greek right now,” There were so many greeks there. Loud music people dancing and lot of food. It was so packed maybe 1,000 people? Im not sure. They were celling a lot of stuff like jewlery, paintings, clothes, and win. It was so fun. There were people performing. They were dancing. There were about three dance floors. I ate so much. The food was bomb. We all danced and that was when I felt greek. It sounds corny but thats true though. They were playing greek music and people were dancing in greek style. It was so fun. I’ve never been to a place like that. Not only greeks were there many different nationalities. The view was so pretty. It was over looking the bay. We danced a lot. It was so nice to see my auntie and mom having a great time. They deserve it. They’ve done so much for our familie. That was my high light of my day, seeing them happy. For sure I’m going next year. Im going to bring my friends too. So they can see my “Greek side” too. This experince has made me want to go to Greece not only because it beautiful but because I am part greek too.


May 15, 2010

So for this stretch mark I’m writing about my lovely flower! I made it too. It turned out sick! That was the first time ever made a thing like that. I didn’t think it was going to turn out that good. My friend and I made one each. They both turned out COOL. We gave them to our moms. I learned that I’m pretty creative when I want to be. I’m good with my hands. My friend and I decided to do one because we always see them around and never done one. We had chances to do them at our middle school and at my old high school but we never did because they would charge us if we did one. We bought everything and It didn’t cost that much. Our first one came out bad the pieces all moved. Our second one was the best. I would like to do this to my kitchen once i get my own place. Like the counters. That would look so cool. Like make my own designs. And in the bathroom. Like the floors. I like my ideas hope they turn out good. Will see if I really do this though!

Blog 16

May 14, 2010

So for this week were had to work on our group projects. We did Venez. It was a pretty easy project. We haven’t presented yet but were going to next week though. The week went by fast. I took my written driving test on wed. and I passed it! I was happy I finally took it and passed. Because i’ve been saying I’m going to take it but never do. Now I can drive without trippen about the cops. I’m going to take the driving part soon. Anyways that was my high light of the week. I’ve been just working on turning in my homeworks and classwork. I’m doing good all my classes accept math. I need to raise it ASAP. Well thats about it really school is DRY and yeah. Right now I’m going to so MADE stretch marks. SEE YA!!

The Marshall Man

May 11, 2010

So for this stretch mark I’m writing about “The Marshall Man.” I call him that because I always see him sit near Marshall’s. He’s a homeless man that I’ve been seeing ever since the beginning of the school year down town.  Everyday after school I catch bart to go down town to meet my aunt. She meets me right in front of Marshall’s on Powel. I usually have to wait for her. I always see the man sitting down next to a post. He has a grey long beard. And he wears the same clothes everyday. He wears a little black or blue beeny. He has a blue sweater and  jeans. He always says Hi to every person that walks by. Even people that work around that area know him. This young lady always gives him money and talks to him. He looks like his latino. And everyday I wonder why and how he ended up how he is right now? Is it drugs? Or is it because he’s sick in the head? He looks like he’s in his 50’s. But maybe that;s because living on the streets has made him look older. And everyday I passed  “The Marshall Man” I wanted to give him some food or like a 10 dollar bill. But if i did would he buy drugs or beer? I had no clue? So one day I went up to him and said “Hi” he had said something to me but I did not understand him. But I can tell by me going up to him and making eye contact and saying hi that he had felt good inside. I gave him some money. And then I said to him “Have a nice day.” Even giving him a little bit of money made me feel good inside. I want to help people that live on the streets. I have an uncle that lives on the streets and its so sad. I see how it effects my great aunt and my aunt. So I would like to volunteer at a homeless shelter one of these days.

Blog 15

May 10, 2010

So for last week we jus had to read and we were given some part of our final. We also had to read during class too. And still had a weird agenda. I’ve been working on catching up in my other classes and english too. I think I’m doing okay I just need to get a C in math and in economics. I’m trying hard. I really need to do good. Hopefully I raise my grade. Last week kind of went by slow. Kept think about the weekend. I was happy friday came. I went on the bus to santa rosa and my mom met me there. Then we drove another 2 hours to her place. My weekend was nice. It was a good ending  to my week. Now all I have to do is keep turning my homework and turn in my late work. And I’m set. Today’s monday now will just have to see how this week goes. I hope it goes by fast because I cant wait to go to the greek festival! With my aunty.

Blog 14

April 29, 2010

So this week went by fast! Tomorrows FRIDAY! Can’t wait. I’m so stressing about school though. My grades arent good. Im afriad to do my finals because I dont want to do bad or I’ll have a lot of F’s. I need to talk to my teachers ASAP. All we did in class I think is go over the questions we had. Today we did a poster for 1984. It was easy. I didnt go to school yesterday because I didnt have a ride. My aunties car didnt start. So I just stayed home with my grandma and my little baby cousin. I did two stretch marks. And last weeks blog. I just need to catch up with missing work and do good on up coming test. Well Im super stoked about fridau and  this weekend! (:

Shutter Island

April 28, 2010

For one of my stretch marks I went to see the movie “Shutter Island.”  For me that was one of the best movies I’ve seen in so long. Its up there with Avatar. I saw Shutter Island the first day it came out. I was so stocked to see it. I had been waiting for a long time. Scary movies are one of my favorites. I didn’t know what to expect. All I knew was that it had to be good because Leonardo was in it. So my cousin and I went to the movies. We got some popcorn and something to drink. When we were watching the movie we kept on saying to each other “Is he trippin or is everyone else messing with him!?”  Shutter Island was so suspenseful. I loved it! Usually you already kind of know whats going to happened at the end of movies. This movie was different. You had no clue what was going to happened. When I found out what ha happened to him I started crying. I cry very easily when I watch a movieS. My cousin wasn’t crying at all me on the other hand was. I was subbing. At the end of the movie he tells his doctor something that really made sense. I kind of forgot how it went. But when he said that I really started crying because I knew that he was not crazy when they were going to kill him. He knew what was going on at the end. His doctor knew that he finally realized that he was ill. His doctor let him go because that’s what he wanted. OMG that movie to me was suspenseful but sad at the same time. I like it and recommend it to others. Some people I’ve heard say it wasn’t good. There crazy its so good! GO WATCH IT!


April 28, 2010

I went to the MOMA with my cousin. We went on a Friday. I’m not sure what the date was. When I first saw the building it was kind of interesting. It looked  like a big black box to me. In the front it looks kind of small. When I went inside the first thing I did was look up because it was a high ceiling. The floor was nice and had a design to it. It was marble floor. The colors were black and gray. Part of the walls were colorful. Some of the color were in a straight line and some were in vertical lines. I’ve never seen such a detailed wall like that. It was rainbow color. It was really cool. I love the vertical lines. I did photography at my old school and I shot a lot of buildings because I liked the structer of them. And the wall reminded me of my shots. So we visited all the different floors. I loved the floor that had videos of the artist and him painting. It was so cool. Never seen anything like that. Like he filmed himself painting something then he would do all weird stuff to it. The rewind it. I don’t even know! You can tell that this artist really put SO much work and time into his pieces. They were all witty. He is so creative. You can put your mind to anything and make it happened. Like this man did. Hes not only an artist but to me hes intelligent. I bet he was like one of the first people to come up with idea. The rooms were getting packed because everyone was so interested in seeing his work. I had a good time at the MOMA. I think our school should go on a field trip to the MOMA. Its an interesting place to go and beautiful work is there. Hopefully one day I’ll have my work shown at the MOMA. SIKE! Going to the MOMA really inspired me to get more involved in photography. It gave me inspirations. I hope that I will continue photography.

Blog 13

April 28, 2010

Oh man another one of these blogs! Sorry but I’m really bored of these. I guess because I’ve done so  many and really want school to be over! Like ASAP! Needs to hurry up. So ready for summer time. I know im going to have a freaking BLAST!  Anyways so last week I just remember reading in class and doing our Do Now’s thats about it. I just kept thinking about the weekend because there was going to be a fat party for one of my aunts birthday she was turning 50 years old. We celebrated it in Sac. It was so much fun! Hmmm what more to say….. I guess last week went by fast thank god! We have totally different schedule right now! But I’m okay with it i guess. I hope teachers stop giving it homework soon! I’m sorta slipping on my grades because I’ve sorta giving up. I need to get on it though! I cant believe I’m finally going to be done with High School!!!!!!

Blog 12

April 19, 2010

So last week was a lot going on. I had a lot of test for different classes. I had to try and finish all my make up work. It was kind of stressful because grades were going to come out and I had a F in math so I really had to finish my make up work and do on the test. Which I did do go because I got my test back so I think that would help my grade. Last week kind of went by slow which sucked. I hate school. Hopefully this week goes by fast but will see. Im not looking forward for my finals! My chem test I know I didnt do to good because I didnt do like 5 big problems but oh well I think I did okay on the rest..